b'World Heritage Sites:Exploring the Worlds Greatest Places Broadcast June 23 - July 11From the Great Barrier Reef to Canadas Rocky Mountains, ProfessorJustin M. Jacobs (American U.) leads this incredible journey of the most intriguing UNESCO World Heritage sites. Along the way, youll pass through the Taj Mahal, Virunga National Park in the Congo,Persias citadel of Persepolis and the fabled Malian city of Timbuktu.Its a breathtaking panorama of our worlds greatest treasures in167 countries. To be familiar with even a sampling of these sites is to appreciate and understand the masterworks of human endeavor down through history, as well as our worlds most extraordinarynatural wonders. A celebrated historian, Dr. Jacobs has authorednumerouse books and articles on history and archaeology focusingon Chinese history, including Xinjiang and the Modern State. 51'