b'Harry Truman: Conflict and Crisis(archived lecture) By Professor Richard Pious, Columbia University August 11, 2 p.m. (Ashcroft Movie Theater)Shortly after Harry Truman became President, he actuallyasked the press corps to pray for him. Pundits referred to him as a machine politicianlacking the vision or political skillsnecessary to succeed. Yet, within five years he made decisions that ended WWII, established reconstruction policies in Europe, and contained the communist expansion. Evolving from anincumbent dependent on his advisers to a Commander-in-Chief acting contrary to this advice . Truman was more than just present at the creation of the postwar internationalorder. Using unprecedented war powers, he laid thegroundwork for the rise of an imperial presidency.Richard Pious is the History Chair at Columbia. He has alsoauthored several books, including The American Presidency; The President, Congress, and the Constitution.45'