b'Tai ChiA great class to improve balance, Tai Chi uses slow andflowing body position shifts, deep breathing techniquesand harmonious movements to teach the body howto move and think in a new way.Yoga Balance Warm-up with a seated stretch followed by 10 minutesBRAIN GAMESof standing balance exercises combined with guidedrelaxation techniquesall yoga based. Challenging interactive puzzles and brain games stimulateYoga Essentials cognitive functions, including Gentle movements and conscious, controlled breathingmemory, hand-eye coordination, enhances your well-being. This is a wonderful class for reasoning skills, and visual acuity. those recovering from illness, injury, grief or simplyBetter still, theyre a lot of fun! working to better manage the stresses of life. View dates/times & locationsJoin us and discover your healthy center.on your Activities calendar and posted on flyers in the Fitness Centers. All are welcome!13'