b'As a Shannondell resident, the path to wellness is literally at your feet. From fitness,intellectual and spiritual health to wellness counsel, health care and rehab,greater well-being is here for the taking. Be a carrier, indeed.On-site Health Care WellnessIn addition to Rehab at Shannondell, Offering, preventive screening andtwo renowned regional health systemscounseling to help you maintainMain Line Health (Ashcroft) and good health, our staffed wellnessEinstein Healthcare Network (Bradford)nurses are just a call away .call Shannondell home. All three specializeAnne (ext. 5140) in compassionate, quality health care. Debbie (5132) Rehab: ext. 5607 Lynn (5206) Main Line Health: ext. 5241Marie (6429)Einstein Healthcare: ext. 4045Mary Jo (6433) 5'